Skin changes secondary to lipotransfer by assisted centrifugation with adipose tissue–derived stem cells
lipotransfer, photoaging, dermoscopy.Abstract
Introduction: Skin rejuvenation by lipotransfer, in addition to providing volume, produces regenerative changes expressed in cutaneous modifications, with good clinical outcomes, but without objective noninvasive methods of evaluation.
Objective: To identify the skin changes secondary to lipotransfer by assisted centrifugation with adipose tissue–derived stem cells.
Methods: A randomized double-blind comparative trial was carried out in the plastic surgery service of Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital, from September 2019 to July 2021.
Results: The female sex predominated in both groups (88.6 %). Most of the patients had no antecedents in their health history and the average general age was 47 years old. More than 60 % presented skin phototype II and grade III aging. Normal skin color prevailed in most cases. The changes found with respect to turgor and elasticity were significant (P<0.001), as well as in texture (study group: P<0.001; control group: P=0.001). On dermoscopic examination of skin photoaging lesions, actinic lentigines improved with significant changes in both groups (P=0.004). Telangiectasias, perifollicular pigmentation and erythema decreased significantly (P<0.001).
Conclusions: Lipotransfer modifies skin color, texture and quality. There was significant postoperative improvement in skin quality. Skin lesions disappeared and improved significantly but there were no differences between treatment groups.
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