Recurrences of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Treated With Conventional Surgery
non-melanoma skin cancer, relapses, tumors, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, histological study.Abstract
Introduction: Non-melanoma skin cancer constitutes 50% of all types of cancer and it includes Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Conventional surgery is still the most used technique in most cases. It offers the advantages of histological control, rapid healing and optimal cosmetic results, if the general conditions of the patient allow so. Although, a significant number of patients have tumor recurrence, especially in the first 5 years.
Objective: To characterize recurrences in patients operated on for non-melanoma skin cancer by conventional surgery at “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Clinical Surgical Hospital from 2014 to April 2020.
Methods: This is a descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study. From the universe made up of patients operated on for non-melanoma skin cancer by conventional surgery, a sample was chosen by the consecutive inclusion of 47 patients who had tumor recurrences confirmed by histology and who consented so. The data obtained from medical records and surveys were recorded in a form including variables such as time of appearance of recurrences, type and location of the tumor, histological subtype.
Results: The appearance of recurrences occurred before 1 year, and from 1 to 2 years after the operation in 21.3%, respectively. Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Sclerodermiform histological subtype was more frequent, and Squamous Cell Cancer, a Grade 2 histological subtype, moderately differentiated. The most frequent location was on the face (57.4%).
Conclusions: Non-melanoma skin cancer in cases with recurrences was categorized by lesions mainly in exposed areas, it occurred in a negligible period, with predominance of Basal Cell Carcinoma. Particularly the Sclerodermiform type was the one that, histologically, most affected patients operated on for tumors of this nature.
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