Hospital Surveillance Against COVID-19 at the Institute of Nephology in the Period from March to June 2020
Keywords, COVID 19, surveillance, chronic kidney disease, prospective population study, Nephrology Institute.Abstract
Objective: Prove the outcome of the COVID 19 surveillance system.
Methods: A prospective observational study on COVID-19 surveillance at the Institute of Nephrology from March to June 2020 with the implementation of a surveillance system and the institutional Protocol. The information was processed in an Excel spreadsheet; the absolute and relative frequencies were determined, the information reflected in tables and figures.
Results: The INEF working group was equipped with a work system to face the pandemic given the high vulnerability of patients with CKD. 66 people were evaluated, 83.3% with suggestive symptoms. Of these, 34 were admitted in the context of chronic kidney disease, 21 were referred to the temporary isolation center, 7 in relation to a transplant operation, and 4 workers for focus control. All the cases underwent a SARS COV2 polymerase chain reaction test and the result was negative.
Conclusions: In the INEF, strengthening the surveillance system against COVID 19 and working with high suspicion indexes in vulnerable populations, no related event occurred in the period.
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