Genetic abnormalities expressed in syndromes that require plastic surgeon intervention
syndrome, genetic alterations, vaginal agenesis, mammary abnormalities, craniofacial, limbs.Abstract
Introduction: Plastic surgery, in addition to coping with aesthetic aspects, is crucial for managing congenital and acquired deformities. Most of the treated defects are acquired deformities, but include also congenital craniofacial, hand, thorax, lip and palatal abnormalities, as well as conditions of mammary, genital and vascular development. These do not occur in isolation, which makes treatment more complex and valuable.
Objective: To characterize the genetic abnormalities expressed in syndromes that require the intervention of a plastic surgeon.
Methods: A bibliographic review of articles in English and Spanish was performed in Pubmed, Elsevier, Google Scholar, Research and SciELO. The search strategies included the word síndrome [syndrome] associated with the alterations in which the plastic surgeon intervenes (hemangioma, vaginal agenesis, palpebral alterations, nasal, alterations of the ear, skin, limbs, and mammary abnormalities). Of the 350 sources found, 97 were selected taking into account, based on, as inclusion criteria, the fact that they were full articles, original articles, bibliographic reviews and case presentations.
Conclusions: It is the plastic surgeon's duty to contribute with the integrative management of patients with these syndromes that, although infrequent, still exist and demand aesthetic and functional improvement. Most of them occur at pediatric ages, but some clinical signs reach adulthood, since physical development and psychological maturity must be achieved before they can be surgically intervened. Reconstructive surgery is the opportunity for an adequate biopsychosocial development, since it provides better quality of life.
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