Unfrequent presentation of retinosis pigmentosa during pandemic times
retinitis pigmentosa, dystrophy, retina, nyctalopathy.Abstract
Introduction: The pathology of retinitis pigmentosa comprises a wide range of manifestations that have as a common characteristic polygenetic inheritance (with at least 215 genes involved), dystrophy and the imminent progression of retinal material loss at the photoreceptor level, either from cones and/or rods, and the retinal pigment epithelium. It leads to blindness, although it is a curable or avoidable pathology, and an estimated global prevalence of 1 in 4,000.
Objective: To record the infrequent presentation of concomitant retinitis pigmentosa and unilateral sclerouveitis without associated family history for any previous pathology.
Case report: The case of a 45-year-old female patient is reported. The reason for consultation was secondary to red eye, pain with eye movements, together with a slow and progressive decrease in vision.
Result: The clinical evidence of the case and the high suspicion allow early and effective diagnosis.
Conclusions: In Latin American and the Third World countries, where the use of technological materials is expensive or beyond the reach of the patient's economy, it is necessary to resume clinical evidence to prevent rather than cure. Time is vision.
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