Geometric patterns of the left ventricle and cardiometabolic risk in patients with hypertension



hypertension, cardiometabolic risk, left ventricular hypertrophy.


Introduction: The evaluation of cardiometabolic risk and geometric patterns of the left ventricle in patients with hypertension is vital and constitutes a diagnostic challenge.

Objective: To evaluate the behavior of the geometric patterns of the left ventricle and its relationship with cardiometabolic risk in hypertensive patients.

Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional research in 70 hypertensive patients. Clinical and metabolic variables of cardiometabolic risk were examined. They were correlated with the time of diagnosis of hypertension, blood pressure control and geometric patterns of the left ventricle.

Results: High levels of total cholesterol, LDL and uric acid were found, as well as concentric remodeling patterns (42.9%) and concentric hypertrophy (31.4%). Concentric remodeling was detected in 40.6% of the overweight and 52.2% of the obese, and concentric hypertrophy was detected in 31.3% of the overweight and 26.1% of the obese. A proportional increase in uric acid was found in remodeling (359.3 ± 84.5), eccentric hypertrophy (373.3 ± 57.0) and concentric hypertrophy (433.3 ± 150.7). The relationship between the time of diagnosis of hypertension and deleterious geometric patterns (concentric hypertrophy 47.1% p = 0.017) was demonstrated. Remodeling predominated in patients with blood pressure control (45.0%). In those who had uncontrolled blood pressure, remodeling (40.0%) and concentric hypertrophy (40.0%) predominated.

Conclusions: Altered geometric patterns were related to worse cardiometabolic risk profiles, uncontrolled blood pressure, and a longer time to diagnosis of hypertension.



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How to Cite

León Álvarez JL, Gutiérrez Rojas Ángela R, Zapata Gómez M, Curbelo López M. Geometric patterns of the left ventricle and cardiometabolic risk in patients with hypertension. Acta Médica [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 13 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];24(4). Available from:



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