Report of a case of mediastinal syndrome secondary to descending necrotizing mediastinitis



odontogenic infection, descending necrotizing mediastinitis, sepsis, mediastinal syndrome


Introduction: Mediastinal syndrome is the name given to the set of symptoms and signs resulting from compression of one or more organs of the mediastinum. The most lethal form of mediastinal infection is descending necrotizing mediastinitis. This is the result of an acute polymicrobial infection of the tissues, which originates from oropharyngeal abscesses derived from dental infections. Treatment consists of surgical drainage. It has a mortality rate of 25 % to 50 % in spite of timely diagnosis and treatment.

Objective: To describe the clinical and imaging characteristics of a patient with mediastinal syndrome secondary to descending necrotizing mediastinitis, treated at the Dr. Carlos J. Finlay Hospital, Havana, Cuba.

Clinical case: 56-year-old male patient with a personal pathological history of diabetes mellitus type 2. Inveterate smoker and poor oral hygiene. He presented with difficulty in swallowing, fever, dyspnea, wet cough with yellow-greenish expectoration and slurred speech, with marked worsening of his general condition. Necrotizing mediastinitis was diagnosed and he underwent urgent surgery; his evolution was satisfactory, and he was discharged after 21 days of hospital stay.

Conclusions: Descending necrotizing mediastinitis is a rare entity, with high mortality, so early diagnosis and adequate treatment are essential.


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How to Cite

Gelado Pérez JL, Lluis Ramos GE, Pérez Montes de Oca E. Report of a case of mediastinal syndrome secondary to descending necrotizing mediastinitis. Acta Médica [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];24(3). Available from:



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